AXOL Terms of Warranty
1. Warranty policy
1) Warranty applies to repair only. We do not accept refunds nor providereplacement (replacement may be available for specified models).
2) Warranty last for ONE YEAR upon date of purchase expect for accessories.
3) NO replacement will be provided for a product with cosmetic issues even if theproduct is purchased within seven days.
2. Terms of warranty
1) A complete set of authentication for warranty MUST be provided for warrantyto be valid:
i. Original Proof of Purchase at our authorized dealer (Photocopies are NOTaccepted)
ii. AXOL Authentication Label(Valid for HKSAR and Macau ONLY)
iii. Warranty Card, if any
iv. Serial Number, if any.
v. Original Packaging.
2) Period of warranty
i. Warranty last for ONE YEAR upon date of purchase except for accessories, misuse and abuse voids warranty*Please see appendix for further details
ii. Cable warranty limits to 6 months upon purchase, misuse and abusevoids warranty.
iii. If the product life has come to an end, warranty stops immediately uponthe official end-of-life (EOL) date provided from the vendor. AXOL is notliable to provide warranty if AXOL did not disclose or announce the EOLinformation.
iv. If the brand distribution has ceased, warranty stops immediately uponthe official announcement date of termination of distribution. AXOL is notliable to provide warranty if AXOL did not disclose or announce theinformation.
v. Repair of any products during warranty will not extend the originalwarranty term.
3) Warranty coverage
i. We provide warranty for products purchased directly from us, or fromour authorized dealer only. With a complete set of authentication andafter proven that the product has been used under normal circumstance,repair service will be provided with no extra cost from the customerwithin one year of purchase. Cosmetics issues are not under warranty.We may offer repair services for cosmetics issues under customer’spayment.
ii. We provide warranty for products purchased directly from us, or fromour authorized dealer only. After one year upon purchase, with acomplete set of authentication and after proven that the product hasbeen used under normal circumstance, repair service may be providedunder extra cost for inspection and parts. If the parts cannot be providedby the vendor, AXOL is not liable to provide further repairmen. Theinspection fee will NOT be refunded.
iii. Warranty covers the repairs for functional parts and software used undernormal circumstances only. Misuse, modification and abuse voids thewarranty. Cosmetics issues, non-factory data/media are NOT under thecoverage of this warranty. Any loss of data/media upon repair is NOTunder the liability of AXOL.
iv. AXOL bears no liability for any loss or damage in transit.
v. Warranty will be voided IMMEDIATELY if any modification is done to thewarranty label or if the warranty label is unclear or damaged.
vi. The physical condition of the warranty label is the liability of thecustomer. AXOL will not reissue warranty label under any circumstances.
4) Warranty is void under, but not limit to, the following circumstances:
i. Abuse, misuse or damage of any kind.
ii. Wear and tear or deteriorate of appearance.
iii. Damage due to natural forces such as, but not limit to, natural disasters,etc.
iv. Not being able to provide authentication for warranty or authenticationmaterials are damaged.
v. Modification of any kind, including the use of third party cables,transformers, amplifiers, etc.
vi. Customer failed to provide an original proof of purchase. Photocopies,snapshots, photos, etc. are not considered to be original.
vii. Termination of distribution.
3. Fees and liability
i. Customers should contact the point of purchase within seven days ofpurchase for aftersales service. The service thus is under the decision andliability of the party which the customer has made the purchase. AXOL isNOT liable for the actions taken and reserves the right to providereplacement or service of any kind.
ii. AXOL does NOT provide door-to-door services of any kind.
iii. AXOL will NOT bear any of the logistics cost within the warranty period.
iv. Should the product falls out of the warranty period, the customer has tobear all the logistics cost involved if the customer wishes to receivewarranty service of any kind.
v. For product(s) that out of warranty period, inspection fee will be charged.Inspection fee will be HKD300 if the suggested retail price of the productis under HKD5,000 while inspection fee of HKD500 will be charged forproduct at suggested retail price of HKD5,000 or above. Necessary part(s)fee will be quoted after inspection; inspection fee will not be deductedfrom the part (s) fee.
Note: The customer accepts our terms of warranty upon purchase of our distributed products.AXOL reserves all the right to the interpretation and explanation to the terms of warranty.